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What’s Your Why

I can’t believe August is over and we’re now moving into September and the end of the year is just around the corner. 

With this in mind I want to write about beginning to plan for 2024 and beyond. Many investors start down the path to investing with typically two goals…

  1. Make More Money
  2. Create More Time

These two goals are great, but you should add an important third part!   

If you want to become a successful investor and succeed over the long-term, you have to know your “WHY.”

The best investors who succeed over the long-term, who achieve balance in life and the ones that go the distance and thrive year after year… they actually have something different.

Top-Tier Investors have created a “WHY” behind their achievements. They have a real purpose that drives them to do so much more than creating time and making a ton of money.

Being a real estate investor is a lot of work. It takes dedication, discipline, attention to detail and eagle-like focus. Many benefits come from being a great investor, but you need to have access to funds so you can execute your strategy of purchasing real estate.  Whether it’s single family houses or commercial properties, there is still plenty of hard work between where you are right now and what we at GL&L Holdings want to help YOU accomplish.

Here are a few of the loans that we assist you with:

GL&L Holdings has been a private equity firm specializing in real estate investing and executing asset based loans since 2010. We’re a member of the Better Business Bureau and have executed over 200 million in loans. 

Take time to understand your WHY and then cultivate YOUR why.

Think about what really matters in your life and what you are choosing to pursue. Whether it’s your immediate family (wife, kids) or any other “WHY,” you should have this identified very clearly so when things get difficult you can think about what’s important to you and why it is that you’re going down this path.

GL&L Holdings can execute loans within a 15 business day timeline. We can assist you in analyzing your real estate opportunity and help you figure out whether your deal has a good chance at success. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or someone that it’s getting started, GL&L Holdings is here to make your investing career as successful as possible.

To you reaching your goals and understanding your WHY, 

Herman Torres

Herman Torres 1

Herman Torres 1

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