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The First Rule of a Personal Budget

The First Rule of a Personal Budget

No one likes rules. But we all realize that if we didn’t follow traffic rules and stop at a red light, our streets would be chaos. Similarly, if you want to have a successful personal budget, you have to follow the rules (in this case, one simple rule).

Common Misconceptions About Budgeting

Many people believe that there are a lot of rules to follow when making a personal budget. They think you must work on your budget every day and keep track of every penny you spend, or else your budget won’t work. Most people think budgets are a lot of work. They also believe that budgets are hard and that you need to be an accountant to create and maintain a personal budget. However, budgets are not only beneficial for your current financial situation, they will also benefit you in the long run, such us learning how to prepare for your retirement.

The KISS Rule: Keep It Simple

Budgets can be a lot of work, but they don’t need to be if you follow the First Rule of Making a Personal Budget: Keep it Simple. Yes, like many things in life, the KISS rule applies to your personal budget.

Don’t try to create a complicated series of linked spreadsheets with fancy graphs and tables. Don’t try to master the most complicated personal budgeting software. Don’t believe that you have to go to school and study bookkeeping and accounting to make your budget work for you. Keep it simple.

Starting Your Budget

Start with a blank piece of paper or a blank spreadsheet, and make a list of what you spend money on every month. That’s right, you are not making a budget; you are making a list – how easy is that?

Most people can’t even make a list of what they spend each month because they have no idea what they spend their money on. No problem. Keep it simple. Get a pencil and a piece of paper, and carry them with you everywhere. Whenever you spend money, write it down. At the end of a normal week, you will have a good idea of where you spend your money.

Simplifying Your Budget

You could then take your week’s worth of notes and make a monthly budget. But, to make your budget even simpler, do a separate budget for every paycheck, or make a separate column on your spreadsheet for every paycheck. That means if you get paid every week, have a column for every week.

Planning Your Spending

Then, make a plan for how you will spend every paycheck. It’s much simpler to decide how to spend your paycheck this week than it is to try to budget for the next six months.

Read that sentence again: make a plan for how you will spend your money. That’s the only reason for making a budget. By keeping track of where your money goes, you can make a plan to spend your money where you want to spend it.

The Key to Successful Budgeting

If you keep it simple, your budget will be a success. And remember, if you don’t follow this simple rule, your personal finances will be a mess, and you could have to declare personal bankruptcy. So keep it simple, because proper budgeting is the best personal bankruptcy alternative.